Monday, November 9, 2009

He made me anyway.

I know I haven't written in a while, but I've been crazy busy. I'm actually crazy busy right now, but this truth smacked me so hard in the face that I had to tell someone:

God knew me before He made me...and He still made me.

I'm still struggling with knowing that God truly loves me. It just seems so...impossible.

I had a rough night last night for some reason, so this morning, I skipped my first class and started reading Colossians; I read about how big and amazing and powerful God is, and how He gives us His power to be used through's nuts. I then picked up Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I started this book a few weeks ago (and I've had poor Andrea's copy for almost a year), but I only got to the first chapter because I've had so many things going on and I like to watch the videos online along with the book.

Anyway. Francis Chan said "God knew me before he made me"...and then I thought, "and He STILL made me." Why?? I have no idea...but He did. He knew that I would be who I am...and He created me for a purpose. Despite the mistakes I make and the things I do wrong...

Powerful. Now if that knowledge would only stick... :T